Gerardo was stabbed after outing a man who took upskirt videos of an unsuspecting girl

A MAN who exposed a pervert filming up a woman’s dress has been brutally stabbed in the chest and stomach.

 Gerardo Cruz Barquero, whose video has been watched nearly a million and a half times is in intensive care fighting for his life.

Gerardo was stabbed in the chest and stomach

Gerardo was stabbed in the chest and stomach EuroPics[CEN]
The 22-year-old, from Costa Rica, was attacked and stabbed twice just days after uploading footage of a Ministry of Finance accountancy department employee filming up a woman’s dress in San Jose, capital of Costa Rica.

In the video Gerardo asks the man: “Sir, are you having a good time filming the young woman?” to which the man responds: “I would stop following me if you don’t want problems.”


He then stops the woman to warn her she was being secretly filmed and urges her to call police. The whistle-blower then follows the man saying: “Why are you going? You’re going to be all over Facebook. What are you hiding from you dirty old man?”

Police say Gerardo was not robbed, and his family say they believe the attack was an act of revenge for exposing the high-ranking official.

His aunt, who did not wish to be identified, said: “He is in a critical condition. They performed open-heart surgery and he is now in intensive care. The doctors have not told us anything else."
The man is said to be in a critical condition
The man is said to be in a critical condition EuroPics[CEN]
Gerardo learned there may be a police investigation against him for breaching the person's privacy after releasing the video and responded: "I really don’t understand this country and how a good person can become a villain in a matter of seconds.

"How is it possible that I’m invading the privacy of a man who’s filming a young woman’s private parts?"

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