The Sun

A BABY boy weighing a whopping 13 pounds has been born by caesarean to a first time mum warned not to push in case he ‘broke her pelvis’.

New mum Breanna Sykes welcomed her son Ziad Kadic to the world on Saturday.

She was forced to have an unexpected C-section after doctors told her Ziad was not “going to fit” and could break her pelvis.
video Huge baby boy weighing THIRTEEN POUNDS is born thumbnail
Thirteen pound baby story.

The office cleaner was told by a doctor in her final week of pregnancy that her baby was "already too big to come out”.

When she woke from the operation the 18-year-old was “shell shocked” to discover she had given birth to a baby weighing 13 pounds.

Breanna, from Perth, Australia, said: “One of the doctors said to me he's the biggest baby he has seen in his 15 years as a doctor.”

But doctors have assured the new mum her baby boy is “perfectly healthy”, The MailOnline reports.

She added: “They have done all these tests and all the blood work, he's perfectly healthy.

“He's just so chunky, beautiful, very chubby, cuddly and sleepy."

Ms Sykes had not planned to have a c-section but doctors - who had estimated Ziad's weight to be around nine pounds - decided to put her under anaesthetic after the pain she was experiencing caused her to have an anxiety attack.

She said: "It was a very big surprise. The doctor would not induce me (at first) but then measured me on the table and said he thought my baby would be about eight or nine pounds.

“My waters broke, and I was fully dilated, but the pain was too much.

“I was having an anxiety attack so they had to put me under anaesthetic

"They said he is just not going to fit, if I try and push the baby he could break my pelvis so I had to get a caesarean unfortunately.

"But he’s here safe and happy - that’s all that matters."

Breanna added: “My family are just shell shocked. They just can’t believe how big he is.”
The newborn was delivered by an unexpected C-section after doctors said Ziad was no 'going to fit' and could break his mum's pelvis

Ms Sykes and Ziad – who measured 57cm - are expected to go home tomorrow.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Ziad – who is pushing six kilograms - weighs almost double the average newborn baby at three.

Ziad is thought to have broke the hospital record when he was born on Saturday as one of the heaviest babies ever delivered in Western Australia.

Doctors from all over Joondalup Health Campus, where Ziad was delivered by caesarean section, went to see him.

A Joondalup Health Campus spokeswoman said the hospital was pleased it was able to successfully deliver baby Ziad.

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