How is Your Relationship With the Scriptures?
I 💗💗💗 the scriptures!  The thing with the scriptures in our modern day is they are competing with everything screaming for our attention!  How often do they lose?  They are not flashy or loud.  They are quiet and take effort.  They can come off as outdated, boring, too deep, and hard to understand.  But they are SOO WORTH IT!!!  Anyone who sincerely takes the time to study them feels something different with the Holy Scriptures then novels, historic books, reading news, watching movies or anything else.  They cannot be replaced for they are what they are.  The difference is they are blessed as sacred, for they are God's words. We learn the attributes of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.  There is also the amazing account of Adam and Eve teaching where we come from and why we are here.  We can't forget how they share priceless accounts of our Savior's life, teachings, and atonement.  They are filled with LOVE and WISDOM.  They are filled with TRUTH. They are filled with GOD.  
So if you also want to ðŸ’—💗💗  the scriptures listen up!  Give this a try and you will be SO glad you did!!!  There are countless ways to study each day.  The most important thing is.....THAT YOU DO IT!  So if your smartphone is the answer for you right now, thats good!  You have probably found a few ways that really work for you.  But then life gets busy and you stop....sometimes maybe even for years at a time. Staying steady is one of the hardest things.  Maybe you are consistant in reading but you aren't truly learning and feeling all they have to offer.  Keeping a spiritual journal/diary marking the date, sharing my thoughts, my prayers, my miracles, my personal revelation along with my scriptures study has been an amazing accountability tool for me over the past 12 years.  Taking the time to write it down is therapeutic and allows yourself and others to grow from your experiences later in life.  It is also easy to see patterns you have so you can either start the good ones, or break the bad ones.  I use the $2 notebooks from Walgreens or Walmart that are the same size as my scriptures.  Find something you can afford to buy a lot of and get started today!

Color With A Key
So what is the secret I want to share with you today?  This is an inspiration I felt when I was longing to gain a better relationship with the Lord through the scriptures.  You could say I was hungering for knowledge but felt a bit uninterested in the black and white print. So my kids and I have decided to start COLORING THEM!  It is so much more powerful touching the pages and writing in the margins then it is reading it on a mobile device and selecting highlight.  They become more personal and alive when you touch the physical page.  Here is the key we use but you are welcome to create whatever color and themes you want in yours.  Here is my key I use to bring each sentence to life and give it a purpose and connection in my brain.

Something else I have added to make my scriptures study more fun and personal is drawing simple pictures as a quick reference.  For example looking closely above I drew a piano keyboard next to the verse that talks about being an instrument in the hands of the Lord. I like to add sun beams over verses where the heavens open.  I will write in a margin if I feel there is a quick way to summarize the lesson learned. I draw a red 💗 around the words heart referring to the righteous and soft hearted and black 💙 around the hard hearts.  It is so cool to flip through them and see the pictures and colors knowing exactly what is happening. It also helps me see patterns and apply those lessons to my own life patterns.

My Challenge To You
I challenge you to grab a pack of colored pencils and make your color key.  Let them come alive and write down what you learn from the verse that sticks out to you and how it helps you in your life today.  Go to the scriptures with questions in your mind and the Spirit will bring answers or direction to find the answer to your remembrance.

Not In the Mood?
My seminary teacher told me to read my scriptures each day until I felt the Lord's Spirit.  I would know when that happens because I wouldn't want to stop.  I found this to be true.  Same goes with prayer.  If you don't want to pray, start praying until you don't want to stop.  It will only help you get ahead in life and reach your goals more efficiently.

Study By Topic
I often study by topic when I am needing more help or knowledge in a certain area.  For example I want to learn more about patience.  So I just look it up in the topical guide and study those scriptures that day.  But then when there isn't a need and I don't have anything in particular on my mind, I pick up where my coloring has stopped and go at it.  If someone took the time to engrave these revelations into a piece of metal and then translate it into these scriptures for me, the Lord must have felt it was important.  So my goal is to learn how it is important and how that applies to me.

Why I Study Daily
1. I want to know God and my Savior.
2. It keeps me grounded and brings depth.
3. It focus' my mind.
4. It helps me gain clarity and understanding.
5. It makes calm.
6. It bring me closer to heaven.
7. It teaches me and my family where we can turn for redemption and peace.
8. It makes me happy.
9. It broadens my horizons teaching of true heros and villians.
10. It strengthens me and makes me smarter.

Send me a quick email if you are wanting to a copy of the key to print and I would be happy to send it over.

I love to read the Holy Scriptures and I hope you take my challenge and deepen your love for God, come closer to our Savior, feel of his power, learn of what and who they are and what they expect of us, and find peace and salvation for your soul.

With Love, 
Heidi Evalyn Kowallis

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