In September, Ivie Edobor, a Mother of three, took to social media to accuse her husband, John Edobor, of attacking her after they separated ways following their failed marriage. She accused him of organizing a group of area boys to join him in brutally assaulting her, breaking her legs in the process. (Read here)

Three days ago, one of Ivie Edobor's lawyers, Emeka Ugwuonye, revealed Mr John Edobor had been fired by his workplace Zenith bank and is currently standing trial for the attempted murder of of his estranged wife. (Read here) .. John Edobor has now come out with hos own side of the story, along with some heavy accusations. Read below.

My Ordeal in the hands of Ivie

Ivie Angela Edobor who lives in Surulere, Lagos, got married at Saint Dominics Catholic Church, 356, Herbert Macaulay Street, Yaba, Lagos on Saturday, 30th June, 2007 at 12:00noon. We did the traditional marriage ceremony at the father’s compound at Abisogun Estate, Alafia Sari-Iganmu, off Lagos Badagry Expressway on a Thursday, 28th June, 2007. And as well as the marriage Registry in Lagos at Ikoyi on the 17th January, 2007 (all the marriage documents are attached).
Ivie and I are blessed with three lovely children (three girls – senior 9 years old; second – 7 years and 4 years old respectively). Ivie and I had lived together all these years in peace devoid of rancour and acrimony together and love.

Ivie Edobor once worked for Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc until she resigned her appointment on the 11th July, 2011 in view of the fact that she was been accused of collecting kickbacks from the bank's contractors in order for her to perform her duties as administrative staff. She exhibited these traits of fraud, corrupt practices and financial misappropriation which led to her termination and dismissal from Econet (now Airtel) 
… Prior to marrying me she once worked at a prominent multinational mobile company (Econet now Airtel) where She was dismissed for lack of integrity due to lies in addition to her serial borrowing from her many colleagues.

When Ivie resigned from Stanbic IBTC Bank in 2011, (find attached her resignation letter) in order for her not to be at home doing nothing, we both had a discussion on her nest line of what she could do and then she suggested that she wanted to start importing diapers from the United Kingdom (UK) and start distributing and selling in retail which I obliged her by giving her initial start-up capital of about N500, 000 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira) and as the year progresses, we noticed that the business was moving I had to borrow moneys from friends and with my personal savings to inject into the business which amounted to about N8million (Eight Million Naira Only).
Every year, it was our agreement that audit be done to ensure that, the business is actually doing well and to make sure tax is paid to Government as well. This was actually adhered to in 2012 and in 2013, I noticed that Ivie had refused to call the accountant to come audit her books. I kept insisting on the audit to be done since she knows the accountant and have his contacts and moreover where we were staying in Ajah at No 76, House 3, Street X, Abraham Adesanya Estate, Ajah, Lagos, was not far from where the accountant was actually living in Ajah.

This persisted until in September 17th 2014 when strange faces of people I had never met or spoken with before kept coming to knock at my gate as early as 5a.m. every morning to demand for their moneys from Ivie and when the amount was added together that came knocking and requesting for their moneys it came to about N25,204,250 (Twenty Five Million, Two Hundred and Four Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifty Naira Only). Please see attached the list of people she was owing and these people are available if you which to speak with them. Most of them said Ivie told them that her dad was sick and she needs money to treat her very sick dad. Just like she has said on FB that I dont give her money....

Despite all these borrowings, Ivie could not account for what the sum of N25, 204,250 was spent on and till date she has not being able to explain in clear terms what the money was used for. She could not explain to me or her family members how she spent such huge sum of money. It became clear of recent after two years that she actually borrowed these moneys to save face from shame since Mr. Matthew Agbaire who she was dating was threatening to blackmail her if she could not part with money anytime Matthew Agbaire requested for any sum to use for himself.

On 11 October 2014, one of the ivie’s creditors known as Tolu and her family members, came to the house when I had gone for a training, dragged my sister (Otekpen) out of the bathroom when she was having her bath and assaulted and humiliated her. The matter was reported by me to the Nigerian Police Station, Ogombo, Ajah, Lagos and the matter was recorded in crime diary S/NO 80, Time 2055 HRS. (go and verify for yourselves).

When the threat of violence was becoming too much, I advised ivie to relocate to her father’s house temporarily till a time that the entire or substantial part of the indebtedness would have been defrayed and the threat of violence most especially on the children of the marriage would stop.

After Ivie left our matrimonial home as agreed, we were still meeting on Fridays to Sundays at the matrimonial home in Ajah to discuss our family affairs. And we were during this period still performing our marital responsibility to each other. (evidence to support this assertion with printed copies of correspondence between us and her pregnancy.)
In November 24th, 2015, Ivie was pregnant for me with twins which she confirmed severally in our chat (see attached for your perusal and confirmation the Ultra Sound Scan Report for the LMP and EDD) and the pregnancy grow for 5 (five) months and the babies had become 5(five) months old in June.

Since Ivie was living in Surulere despite my several plead to the father to allow Ivie and the children to come join me in Yaba notwithstanding that Ivie and I looked for the apartment in Yaba for us to live as one family again, Ivie deceded to stay back in surulere and every Fridays she would come to sleep with me while on weekdays she kept sleeping with Matthew Agbaire who is married with his own kids.

Until May 2016, when my kids where on midterm break, and they came to spend the holiday with me in Yaba that two of my children told me that, every night, one uncle Matthew was always coming to the house to sleep in mummy’s room till the next day and he will buy them suya. And when I asked Ivie she initially denied until I showed her a video clip of what the childthat she then admitted (see attached our chat for your perusal) and at this time Ivie was still pregnant.

Since Ivie knew the consequences of her action she begged and pleaded that, she would need to go for confession which she did in June 5th, 2016 at Saint Dominic Catholic Church, Yaba. There she promised the reverend father Felix never to go back to such life again. Two days later I received a phone call from the house help that, Matthew came again to take her out and did not return until late in the night. When I asked Ivie she denied and she beat up the house help as well as collected her phone from her.
At this time Ivie had threatened she was going to flush the babies since I am doubting the paternity of the twin. Because, I asked Ivie if you are pregnant for me and still kept sleeping with another man (Matthew Agbaire) so who own the babies? We would need to do a DNA test to actually know who their father is.
Three days later, Ivie and Matthew Agbaire went to abort the babies since she was worried that I kept insisting on the DNA of the children. When I asked ivie what happened to the babies she said she could not face the shame of having bastard children which am not ready to father and this kept me worried up till now since Ivie could kill children that were already formed (7months) babies.

I spoke with the father who lives in Orile, in Lagos and even went to see him about it and all I got from the father was he will talk to Ivie and two of her aunties and I tried calling her mother who lives in UK but she would not pick her calls and as well told my family members about it too.

On what happened in June 19th 2016, incident that got ivie admitted at Tokin Hospital for broken leg, contrary to claims by Ivie, she actually got injured during a scuffle between myself and Matthew Agbaire who brought out a hammer his tool box in his car to fight me when Ivie at sighting me started shouting ole, ole for the security men to come and kill when Matthew brought her back home past one (1:00a.m.) in the morning while the children were left at home with a girl of about 13years old to care for them while Ivie and Matthew went to a hotel to have sex. Ivie in an attempt to allow Matthew to run away was holding on to my hands backward and in the course of my struggle, Ivie and I fell to the ground and then, Matthew wanted to seize the opportunity to slam the hammer in his hand on me which I dodged and then I noticed he was not relenting the second time after first strike which actually hit ivie, and then she shouted, when saw him trying to raise his hand again, I had to row over ivie and stood on my feet before the security men came to rescue the situation. Matthew quickly rushed her to a hospital in Surulere perhaps the same hospital the twin was aborted by Ivie and Matthew.

Ivie has consistently told people that I have not been taking care of the children school fees (find attached the receipts of my children school fees till date for your perusal) and that because they are girls and not boys that was the reason I drove her out of the matrimonial home. This statement is reckless and unfortunate because I love my daughters and in several instances I had used prominent woman who are role models like Okonjo Iwala to buttress my stand on this even to her. I do know for sure my children will grow up to be greater than men and their knowledge will be sort after around the world. She has push out false information to the public for her to continuously gain sympathy from the public, press, bloggers, the civil society and human rights activist.

In another case, she has said I came prepared with the intention to kill her that night she was injured by Matthew, with a knife and of recent a dagger and crowbar or wheel spanner to attack her. And I keep wondering with the inconsistency the tools she keep naming that I used. The fact is, I came into Lagos that night (18th June, 2016) from school in Ile - Ife at about 9p.m. with my school bag and book in it and my car was parked at the stadium where I drove to her house which is a stone throw away from her house and I did not get Yaba before going to see her that night since we had agreed to meet that night. Matthew was the one who works for a construction company and had his tool box where he brought out his big hammer he used on Ivie.

It will shock you to know that Ivie was married to one Mr. Benedith Jatto on the 17th December 2002 a document she used in her NYSC and equally in her former place of employment while she was working with Airtel Nigeria. I got to know and see all of these when this issue came up and a copy of the document is available for your perusal. And up till date that married has not been dissolved which means ivie is legally married to two men.

Ivie is doing all these for her to hide her shame and the face of Matthew Agbaire a father of two who is still married to his wife, and work in Centrix Allied Limited who is the brain behand her termination of the twin and the her broken leg. It is unfortunate that Ivie is acting this way because as my wife and mother of my beautiful children this is not the way I planned for us.
As a responsible father I have consistently played my role and provided for them to the best of my ability all that they needed.
So please tell me how I went wrong.... You can imagine my shock to find out that I am her 2nd husband...was it wrong of me to have encouraged and empowered my wife? Please tell me which man will take it...she only shouted out so the issue of the children she killed will not come limelight....

More photos, screenshots of some messages and medical reports below...

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